Detroit Equity Action Lab has some of the flavor and touch of Conant Gardens from Asandi Conner

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Asandi Conner’s journey with the Detroit Equity Action Lab and Wayne State University is one that unfolded in ways she never anticipated. Growing up in the historic Conant Gardens on Detroit’s Eastside and proudly graduating from Osborn High School, Asandi’s early years were steeped in writing and fueled by a dream of becoming a newscaster—a dream that naturally transitioned into a passion for journalism. As a student at Wayne State University, she chronicled the Black student movement’s efforts to establish a Black studies department, honoring esteemed professors like Dr. Gloria House, affectionately known as Mama Aneb.

This period of activism and advocacy set Asandi on a path of leadership, which later saw her contributing to the Nsoroma Institute and eventually stepping into her current role. A dynamic and thoughtful creative, Asandi reflects on how her life’s work has always been about amplifying voices, inspiring change, and championing equity.

What began as a journey engaging hip-hop audiences, has grown into a career as a marketing consultant. As business people have seen my work, I was propositioned many times to provide graphic design, photography, videography, event planning, website development, and social media campaigning. These initial business contracts inspired me to build Creative Differences Marketing. I’ve balanced my entrepreneurial experience with formal education from Walsh College of Business and Accountancy. My degree in Marketing serves me well in understanding many of the formal, universal, and theoretical marketing approaches used in corporate environments.Formulating this business model has been anchored by the success of my BLOG ‘Detroit is Different.’ I create all content for Detroit is Different. This serves as a prototype of the ways I can design events, websites, graphics, music, podcasts, social media campaigns, and e-mail campaigns. ‘Detroit is Different’ focuses on the people and places of Detroit that add to the culture. Through these people and places, themes are driven. These themes will partner with, sponsor, and advertise for businesses and organizations using this innovative multilevel marketing approach.

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